

Archaeological digs have uncovered human remains in the Gobi and other regions of Mongolia dating back nearly 500,000 years. Despite Mongolia's short summers, wheat growing has co-existed for thousands of years with nomadic herding, which the Mongols took up after they tamed horses, yaks and camels. The name 'Mongol' was first recorded by the Chinese during the Tang dynasty (618-907 AD). The Four Holy Peaks surrounding Ulaanbaatar offer challenging hiking and breathtaking views. ManzshirKhiid Route on the Tsetseegum peak's southern side is the easiest route up; Zaisan Route is the most scenic and the most difficult. There's more hiking in Gurvansaikhan National Park, around the hills of Khovd, and in the Gobi Desert. Relive Genghis Khan's glory days by grabbing a horse or yak for a ride around Ulaanbaatar.

  • Duration: 4 Weeks
  • Location: Central Asia
  • Interesting fact: Genghis Khan had his capital in Mongolia
  • Guide price: £4,000
  • Climate: Travel season is May-October
  • Possible trek: Mountains near Lake Khövsgöl
Example itinerary

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