Modern Slavery Statement

Modern Slavery Statement

This statement has been published in accordance with the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015.


The statement sets out the ongoing actions taken by the Lifesigns Group to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking within its business and supply chain.


The issue of modern slavery is a growing concern, not only in the UK but throughout the world. The Lifesigns Group, as a leading and proactive company, has a responsibility to ensure its supply chain and its business is free from this subject and has a commitment to carry out a robust and continual due diligence process, identifying potential risks and eliminating them at the earliest opportunity.

We believe in affiliating with others who share the same values and understand the importance of always conducting business ethically. We will never partner or affiliate with a supplier or third party unless they commit to never using forced labour, whether in the form of human trafficking, indentured labour or otherwise. This Modern Slavery Statement outlines many of the efforts made to ensure our supply chain does not contain labour of this nature.



The Lifesigns Group operates many brands and is a global leader in expeditions and specialist training. The Lifesigns Group operates in over 20 countries worldwide. We have a supply base of approximately 20 contractually bound third party providers. Our inspections and checks with our suppliers continue on a regular basis and evolve to share good practices in addition to being stringent on any violations. These independently owned and operated suppliers are subject to the compliance principles outlined in this statement. A concise audit programme has been created to collect relevant information from all our routine third-party supplier visits.



Lifesigns Group staff activity is regulated by our Vision and our Values, which ban the use of forced or involuntary labour in any of our locations or in the operations of facilities that supply services to us. We constantly evaluate our current and potential suppliers against our rigorous standards and require them to comply with our Modern Slavery Statement prior to entering our supply chain. By agreeing to our Contractual Terms, our suppliers are clear about the Lifesigns Group’s expectations. For many years, the Lifesigns Group’s audit department has actively carried-out due diligence procedure with all suppliers. This process seeks to understand potential supply chain risks and steers our sourcing of products. Our contracts prohibit suppliers from engaging subcontractors, without the written permission of the Lifesigns Group. The Lifesigns Group will not knowingly work with suppliers who use forced labour. We use our own auditors to ensure compliance with our Modern Slavery Statement.



Before conducting business with the Lifesigns Group, each supplier must undergo a full and complete audit. This may include scheduled and unannounced audits by our own staff and 3rd party auditors. We will inspect for evidence of health and safety concerns, wage and social compliance, forced labour, child labour issues, harassment-free workplace policies, and environmental issues.

Our supplier contracts make it clear that they must conduct business in full compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations and comply with our terms. Each supplier must confirm compliance with these terms and our Modern Slavery Statement prior to becoming an approved and contracted supplier.



For our staff who have direct responsibility for the monitoring, auditing and enforcing of our supplier base we will provide ongoing training. This training will include topics such as identifying child labour, involuntary or forced labour and preventing human trafficking.



All Lifesigns Group staff must comply with our Modern Slavery Statement, which outlines our principles relating to human trafficking and forced labour. Consistent with internationally recognised labour standards, we specify minimum working conditions for the employees of our suppliers, helping to support the principle that our values are reflected in our products. A contracted suppliers breach of our contract will result in the Lifesigns Group taking remedial corrective action including termination as an approved contracted supplier.



The Lifesigns Group’s Modern Slavery Statement and principles listed in this statement aim to help ensure the use of forced or involuntary labour in our supply chain is prevented. Along with our actions surrounding due diligence, risk assessment, audits and training, we seek to ensure our contracted suppliers are free of known labour or employment supplied by or through slavery, forced or compulsory labour or the product of human trafficking. Reviewing key performance indicators such as audit statistics and helpline reports on an ongoing basis allows us to update training for our staff to identify and report human trafficking and modern slavery issues, leading to continuous improvement in our practices.

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